Digitize ISO 639-3 Translation Project
A worldwide language names translation project
7,600 × 7,600 = 57,760,000 language names
What is ISO 639-3 and why do we need to translate it?
ISO 639-3 is a
code that aims to define three-letter identifiers for all known
human languages. Current ISO
639-3 defines about 7600 known languages.
A simple math about language names, 7600 × 7600 = 57760000, which
means there are over 57 millions "language names". There is
one cold hard fact that we do not have full translations to most of
major languages about ISO 639-3 language names.
Digitize ISO 639-3 Translation Project aims to provide
software utilities to collect, translate, organize and publish all
language names in all languages. The goal is to provide the
general public diversified file formats to describe all language
names and apply in different applications. The mission is
simple, we do what we can to utilize public resources to complete
the 57,760,000 language names translation as many as possible.
Want to know more?
Pick you language or ask for a new language translation.
- A list of non-official ISO 639-3 Languages Standard is available here.
- A list of 3-letters of ISO 639-3 Languages Standard is available here.
- Software utilites and language resource files are here.